Exam SVH Wine 2

Exam SVH Wine 2


Exam: 46 Multiple choice questions. The first 6 questions are about 4 wines to taste.


SKU: 2 Category: Tags: , ,


The SVH wine exam is administered by the external exam organization of the SVH. The SVH Wine 2 exam is based on the SVH Wine 2 learning objectives.

The exam consists of 46 multiple-choice questions and lasts 45 minutes. The first six exam questions relate to the four different wines you must taste. Of the four wines, two are white and two are red. Each wine glass contains 50 ml of wine. No wine will be topped up during the exam. In addition to the wines, a glass of water and a spit bucket will be available. The glass of water can be refilled upon request. You may choose the order in which you answer the exam questions.

Pass mark: You can score a total of 46 points for the entire exam. To pass, you must answer at least 28 exam questions (60%) correctly. Of the correctly answered exam questions, at least 2 questions about tasting (questions 1 to 6) must be answered correctly.

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